Stacey Alderwick
Stacey Alderwick
STACEY ALDERWICK is a Black woman whose ancestors were stolen and taken as slaves from the Western coast of the African continent and from the Cherokee Nation.
Stacey facilitates human rights and restorative processes with patience, skill and authenticity, supporting people affected by serious and violent crime to work through the impacts and articulate their needs. Stacey became a restorative practitioner working in community contexts in 2004, followed by 12 years in Correctional Service Canada, and is now working in this capacity with the Department of National Defence.
Principal of Alderwick & Associates since 2001, Stacey consults with organizations on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion, applying an anti-racism / anti-oppression lens to her work in learning and development, program development, planning and visioning. As a mediator with 24 years of experience, Stacey facilitates dialogue, problem-solving and other group and interpersonal conflict resolution processes. Her style encourages collaboration, mutual respect and transformation.
In her work as an Adult Educator, Stacey cultivates meaningful interactive and experiential learning environments as she educates on topics including anti-oppression / anti-racism, intercultural communication skills, leadership development, interpersonal mediation, restorative practice and facilitation skills. This work continues and has included 18 years in post-secondary institutions, including the University of Toronto and the University of Guelph.
During her leisure time, you’ll find Stacey reading, walking with her dog, socializing with friends, or horseback riding in solitude.